Jillian Walsh, Jill Huish, Jill Osier, Jill Huish – Osier

Why so many names? Well because this psychopathic nut job uses any *** **** name she wants whether it’s a legal name or not. She is a catfishing, child abusing, cheating, homewrecker!!! I am a person that was concived by this childish alcoholic troll!! I am not her child, nope!!! Not me and not my siblings. Just because she birthd us does not make us her kids and it sure as **** does NOT make her our mother!!! I just share some of the same blood as her and that is IT!!! She is not a mother!! A mother does not fat shame kids there entire life, call them stupid or beat on her kids. And I am not talking about a spanking or even a belt… actual closed fist pushing us down the stairs threatning to kill our dog abusive!!! That is not a mother!!! Jill is an abusive drunk and hate is a understatement of what I feel of this monster !!! So why am I posting this now???? Why haven’t I posted before??? Because I am a **** adult now……. WE ALL ARE… and she feels the need to stalk me and follow us on iur employer’s pages on Facebook and call around asking where we are at our place of work!! I don’t ******* care if it Burger King or the **** military she has NO right to even go there!!! We haven’t spoke to this psycho in over 8 yrs mot one **** word!! Consider it a divorce!!! She has NO RIGHT to cross that line or cross the boundaries she does and I am and WE ARE fed the **** up!!! So Jill if you ever come across this or if any of you friends and family that harass us with messages and stalk us on social media could you **** the **** off already or tell her to **** off. It will never happen she will never see or speak to us again!!! That ship sailed ALONG time ago!!! Don’t bother us and don’t bother the family we are making of our own now!!! You have no rights to kids we have or our girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands or wives!!! They will NEVER know you!!! I know one of my siblings has posted on here a billion times telling you to stop so just STOP!!! Live YOUR LIFE and stay out of ours!!! Let me make this clear….. WE ARE NO LONGER YOUR CHILDREN AND YOU ARE NOT OUR MOTHER!! You don’t get to do the things you did to us, lie to everyone by saying we are full of ****, and then think you have any right to the title of a mother!! We have a mom that loves us and we love her!!! She was the only mom that actually showed us what a mom is!! And the nurturing she showed was totally different from what YOU lacked!!! And one last stab… who’s the ugly and fat one now???? YOU!!!! Surely not any of us!!! We all lost weight when we stopped seeing you!!! We were overweight because of YOU and your mental and physical abuse!!! You tell a kid there stupid fat or ugly they grow up believing that!! You wrecked our selfesteem!! Thank *** we were shown real love by our dad and from a woman that did have to but chose to because she saw something in us you NEVER did!!! All you cared about was getting even and trashing our entire family!!!
Go away!!! Don’t contact us if anyone dies. We don’t even want to hear if you do someday and I am sure you will drink yourself to the grave eventually!!! And vues what… we wouldn’t care or shed one teer!!!


1 thought on “Jillian Walsh, Jill Huish, Jill Osier, Jill Huish – Osier

  1. Heeeeyyyyyu whaaaat!!! I know this lady!!! I knew she was a crack head!!! I bet money on it years ago!!! Looks like I have some bet money owed to me!!!!

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