Jill Lester Adkins — Logan, West Virginia

Jill Lester Adkins befriended me at a bar about 6 years ago, after being friends with her for a couple of months she started playing the victim and crying on my husband’s shoulder, little did I know she started sleeping with my husband. After around 6 months after that, I had noticed our saving account was dwindling away, big chunks of money were gone, just gone. After a lot of research, my husband has taken out a VISA credit card and gave her access to it, she went through my children’s college funds in as little as 6 months, they were just gone, she even had ****** tightening surgery on this visa card, diamond rings, makeup from the most expensive stores in Charleston, she even put her husbands birthday present on this card. A new gun, in case he ever sees this and wants to pay my kids back their college money. I saw these pictures on Facebook posted from a friend of mines wife, she did the same thing, she made friends with this man’s wife, then started using her husband to help her get out of an assault charge, help her when her car broke down, he even helped her get her new job at the West Virginia State Capitol, in Charleston WV working for the governor. The Facebook post said, Jill Lester Adkins stripped down in a public bathroom in a movie theater to take naked pictures to send to her husband after he saved her some seats for a free concert given there, if she would do that, what do you think she would do for a concert that costs money to get in. The pictures are just a little on the tame side as to what I heard she sent, look at the pictures below to judge, other than these pictures, she was supposed to have sent one of her spreading her ****** open to show everything she had, putting a coke bottle up in herself, fingering herself with 4 fingers and even showed a picture of her putting her phone 1/2 way up herself with his Facebook open on her phone. I thought just stripping down in the public bathroom was enough to prove she was a nasty *****, but I guess she had to leave little doubt by sticking her cell phone up her ******. She is fake from the inside out, her **** job makes her look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, her head looks like it was stuck straight on her shoulders, and her smile took about 8 grand out of my child’s college fund, She needs to get out of Logan and back to the ghetto where she belongs. I feel for her new victim’s wife, and everyone she comes in contact with. She has kids and she strips down naked in a public bathroom? I don’t understand her? She should be ashamed of herself, but she keeps going, on to the next man who will buy her something, anything. She’s the number 1 ***** in Logan West Virginia and she works for the governor, I guess we know how she got that job after being indicted for assault on a mentally challenged woman.

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