Jessika Jensen — Gainesville, Georgia

Miss mensa obsessed she lies to her husband about everything finances her wanting to get BBC even though she claims to hate black people has family members in the Klan says she’s a witch an casts spells on people she has 3 stds so be aware one of them are herpes goes an cheats on her husband with her cousin while he’s at work she also had told someone that she gave her father a bj she’s an incest nasty dented milk jug shaped b**** she can’t tell the truth about anything she’s obsessed with Chris watt that murdered his wife an she puts money on his books an writes him all the time she says it’s not true that he didn’t do it so she’s standing behind him she trolls on fb in true crime groups calls herself a gamer an she never even won a game not even on super Mario she lies an says she has sisters but is the only child in reality she lies about having a job says she works at a radio station star 94 never has she ever she tries to sleep with her gamer friends her husband don’t know an she’s a stalker an pathological liar an a snitch b****

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