Jessica White — Edmonton, Canada

Behold everyone! Jessica White, Jessica Arson, Brittany, Kim ( whatever the *** your stupid name is ) This girl here is the most fuked up lid on the planet!! Dumb broad gets herself living in a car, smoking heroin, and gets a break after being invited to stay with one of my very empathic friends. Dumb*** here, clean out this girl’s place after she was arrested and then claims she didn’t steal anything!! ***** had almost the whole house cleaned out before my friend got out and this ***** plays it off like my friend’s boyfriend was the one stealing his lady’s ****! You’re an idiot and I was watching the house while you’re away to nice roommate was locked up and if Mike only knew how much **** he’s been soaking his **** in since he got out, he would plug you in. This girl was caught posting her roommate’s stolen **** online and still fuking lies about being a squid ***** ! She’ll sit there and tell you what a solid person she is and she’s such a good person to have in your corner blah blah blah put yet thinks everyone is talking **** about her when she’s in the other room, guilty conscience much !! Do not let this girl near anything of yours! De She deserves to be drug behind a truck and left in the f**king woods. If anyone sees this ho, kick her in… Word! She’s stupid, a terrible liar, and is leaving the smelliest slime trail wherever she goes !! Hope you get what’s already coming for you… HOODSNIFF

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