Jessica Pence — Fayetteville, North Carolina

This horrible woman is a loadmaster in the United States Airforce. My husband was in class in April of this year at Little Rock Airforce Base. She literally met him at lunch one day and they all went back to their friend Nate’s room on base. She had not known my husband an hour and **** him no rubber. He met her two more times and **** her again both times. Now the sad thing is I was actually there at the hotel and didnt even know it. I was pregnate. The stress and horror when I found out made me have what the doctors called a stress induced misscarriage. I cried for months. Finally with help my husband and I made it through it. He is just as much at fault. But the sad thing is as a woman this chick knew he was married and his wife was there pregnate. She told my husband it got her off doing it because of that. My husband has no excuse. But wow what a low life this woman was enjoying cause pain. By the way this is actually a crime in the airforce. I think it got her off too because they were breaking the rules. Great American soilder. The thing is karma is a *****. I cant imagine the horrors *** has waiting for her for destroying my sweet innocent. I literally was one of those women who worshiped their husband,cooked, cleaned, had an amazing job, never nagged, laughed and **** him ten ways to sunday. And this is what happened to me. An horse faced ugly low moral non *** fearing woman enjoyed ****ing a married pregnate woman’s husband for the rush. *** help you child. Karma will get you for ******ing my twins. She is stationed at **

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