Jessica Lauralyn — Hillsdale, Michigan

Basically it’s the same story of a husband getting bored with the same old same old and a girl that is there to listen. But then listening goes to far and it becomes an emotional affair. It all started when I changed jobs. I went from working second shift seven days a week to a first shift five day a week job. This job promised me once there was room on thirds I’d be able to go to third shift. I was on first shift for about a month when I noticed my husband acting differently. When I asked him what is wrong he would tell me that he was tired or it was work stuff. Little did I know that work stuff turned into an affair. my husband would get home about 1030 at night we would spend 15 to 20 minutes together and then I would go to bed as I had to get up at five in the morning. Around the time I excepted a position on third shift my husband asked me for a divorce. I did some snooping on Facebook and noticed that this girl had recently broken up with her boyfriend. My husband promised me that wasn’t about another girl. But after searching through his phone I had seen this contact that he texted quite regularly called pineapple. I asked him who it was and he said it was a guy named Eric from work who like to eat pineapples hence the name pineapple. something told me that wasn’t the case but I let it go. Till one day my husband sync our iPhones together and I got this rush of apps including the cloud. As I went through the cloud I noticed one of my husband’s notebooks was called the one. I opened it up and lo and behold there were list of likes and dislikes favorite movies favorite color childhood dreams how many children she wanted. None of these pertain to me. That’s when I knew I had caught him and all of his lies and I finally had the proof that I needed. after confronting him about it not only did the apps disappear and our phones unsynced, I received a message from this girl saying how she is not a homewrecker and she was just being a good friend to a broken man. That our marriage was screwed up before she even came along. But since she had never married her boyfriend that she had recently broken up with she would know what it takes to keep a marriage going. That and every marriage there are issues.

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