Jessica (Jess) Finneran — Portland, Oregon

It’s no wonder this home wrecker earned the nickname “***** breath,” it’s her favorite subject to talk about! She brings nothing but misery to anyone that comes in contact with her selfish, self-centered unshapely ***. For years and currently she works at motels which fit her as she has the IQ of an inch worm. She can screw married customers & coworkers at her worksite & they don’t have to spend a dime on her! What a bonus! Hurting innocent kids & spouses aren’t an issue for this lady who is most definitely not a lady but a tramp!!! She’s also married with kids that her husband cares for while she’s out being a barfly or onto a new conquest. Selfish to her core this scandalous **** has no second thoughts about the ripple effects of her actions on others, often destroying families and scarring children. Tho it takes two to tango she should know better if a man admits he’s married & remember she is too. Forget her family’s feelings, it is ALWAYS about her spoiled, delusional thinking. It matters nothing to her who gets caught in the crossfire of her motel party favor conduct. In her spare time she’s on dating sites or taking disgusting, nasty sexual photos of herself on her phone & having conversations that would even make a seasoned street walker blush! A huge fan of the terrible excuse for a team & losing one at that, the Oregon Ducks. It’s odd because as much as she blabs about them she has no connection to them other than having a frame of a linebacker. She dropped out of high school & is just an obnoxious fan not a U of O alumni. Although she’s in her 30’s, she looks a matronly 40 something. With gray hair that she tries & fails to cover with Walmart box dye, she chooses classy colors like purple, ugly orange & burgundy to go with her also oh so high class nose piercing. This woman has the forehead of a Neanderthal, that coupled with the hair highlight her already unflattering features. I’ve seen better heads on boils!!! Overall, it looks like someone blew her up with a bike pump! She looks like she’s swallowed a pie & we all know this porky hooker loves to swallow! Her chins rival that of only Honey Boo Boo’s mom & she clothes her unshapely, big body in signature trailer park clothes. In a nutshell, this strumpet has zero shame or conscious. If it has a heartbeat, ***** & even better a wedding ring & kids, she won’t hestitate to be brazen & soon sleep with them. When she’s ****** & chucked to the curb she then feels sorry; but only for herself. Of course SHE’S the “poor victim” not the villain that alters people’s lives forever. So, women in the Portland, Beaverton, Oregon City & thrilling city of Milwaukie, beware of the hefty ***** of a heffer! If you’re unlucky enough to meet her she will be nice to your face & go after your man the second your back is turned cause she’s ultra classy and trashy like that. Everyone, including her family & those she’s ruined or deeply affected, as well as those in the future she will hurt with her deplorable, disgusting decisions would be better off without any contact with her. She deserves nothing less than to be lonely & lovelorn. So consider yourselves warned. One can only hope that Karma catches up with her soon & is as big of a ***** as she is!!!!

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