Jessica Hayes — Louisville, Kentucky

Jessica Hayes is a liar, dope fiend, abuser, uses individuals financially, and a homewrecker. She’ll use a person who is most vulnerable to get into their lives. Pleads for help, bc she is always strung out on dope. when she is running away from other women and the law bc of her arrest warrants, she is having an affair with every criminal-minded man (notably deadbeats, woman beaters, and rapists). Once she gets help, she sweet talks and gets her way and seduces the person and thereafter says I am not a one-night stand. She breaks people mentally, physically, and abusively and has been married a few times, and still interacts with various men. Once you break up with her she empties everything from your place even though she did not contribute financially..De her own kids do not even stay with her, and she blames her baby father even though her dope fiend using self is out finding her next man from the local jail cell. De this is a warning out there before she does this to other vulnerable men!?

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