Jessica Forsythe – Ottawa, Canada

This little sloot will ruin ur life your family and everything else. She likes to act like she is all sweet and innocent at first but then when she gets too comfortable she will ruin everything about you she jumps from guy to guy even goes from brother to brother have never seen her shower once since she was around for the couple months NEVER SEEN HER CHANGE HER CLOTHES SHE WOULD WEAR SAME CLOTHES FOR DAYS AND DAYS she also likes to keep her ex’s close so that she can start **** with them and have them threaten her new bf family when she has a bf I mean can this little girl even keep a man oh and on top of that guys be aware she likes to say men beat her and she puts them behind bars and cries wolf. dirty ex, She put this one guy behind bars and was mad because she only received $100 dollars from the court. She will do anything to try and get the money I’m 100% sure she will sell herself she’s a junky always will be but tries to tell people she quit and that she is so and so months clean total lie She probably still goes to get all ****** up with her sister Tina at a very well known drug building! This nasty *** infested ***** will give you an STDs for sure…. STAY FAR AWAY

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