Jessica Cottone — Bradford, Pennsylvania

To make a long story short, I kicked my spouse out because he had a relapse in his addiction and it was getting out of control. I told him once he was ready to quit, he was welcome home!! Fast forward 13 days, and over a 24 hour period I don’t hear from my spouse at all, which is completely our of character since with constantly talk about us and our two children! Then I get a phone call from a friend saying “I just seen your man and Jessica at the store together”…WTH?!

So I contact this “woman” and she has the nerve to tell me that she took him in to “feed him, give him a place to sleep and get sober”…yeah. okay!! I knew she was just looking for any reason possible to hop on his ****! She knew he had a family and she knew me!! This happened in May of 2016. Rewind to November 2014, my spouse and I split for a 6 month period and I dated a man who ended up being Jessica’s child’s dad for two weeks! I did not know this man, I did not know he had a child or a on and off again girlfriend and when I did find out, I ended things extremely fast! Jessica or Jessicunt as I like to call her, held a grudge for well over a year and waited for the perfect, most vulnerable moment to swoop in with her flacon claws. Jessicss relationship with my spouse lasted about three weeks before she was finally tired of him… Well I’m guessing she was already tired all the Time since she eats xanax and klonopin like candy! While together she would harras me and ask why my children couldn’t come visit. She is totally dysfunctional and was so happy and excited to try and ruin a home.

The difference is, I didn’t know about her and ended it as soon as I found out (Even though her and her spouse were split at the time I was seeing him). Jessica on the other hand , knew all about me, all about our family, she befriended me , and even tried to spend time with myself and my children days before she moved my spouse in! This so called woman is a vicious, conniving, snake drug addict pig!! Jessica waited until we were having a wave of problems and she swooped right in like a vulcher! Ladies, keep your man away from this giant 6’1 *****! She will stop on your family and lives and once she’s got what she wanted, she will leave you with the mess and move on to her next evil scheme!

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