Jessica Cook — Thunder Bay, Canada

This loser likes to allow slanderous posts online of innocent ppl to be posted to the real concerned citizens of thunder bay. All this dumb broad does is get all giddy and ride her high horse every time someone posts something opposing her views. If anyone has a different opinion or even FACTS than her, she flames them and either removes the whole post or goes along bullying the OP along with her evil ****-buddies. This ***** gets a literal high off of making ppl feel horrible about themselves, and loves to stand up for junkies and drunks who are violent towards people in public. There are posters on that FB page who genuinely want to spread awareness, and then there’s Jessica and Chelsea Demasi. These two love to tag-team those in our society who just want to help others see how bad our city has gotten and bring them down, shame and slander them, and ban ppl for no reason other than to harass them. I really hope Jess that one day your *** is blasted online and you get the brunt of all of the misery you caused others. You too Chelsea. Rot in **** you stupid keyboard warriors.

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