Jessaca Q Smith aka Jessa Smith, Brooklyn – New York

For committed spouses, there is no longer very much legal recourse for the injustice of an uninvited third party tearing apart the very fabric of your hard-fought family life. In order to satisfy their selfish desire for attention from another’s spouse, people such as Jessaca without a true grasp of honor, respect, or loyalty, leave waste to parents and children – for the rest of their lives – for fun. For the past 3 years, Jessaca Smith of Brooklyn, NY has carried on a dalliance with my husband despite my repeated requests to both of them to stop and give my child a shot at a functional family. It has caused me debilitating mental, emotional, even physical harm and potential ruined my marriage for good. While I may not be able to make a civil claim against this woman, I can certainly tell the truth in regards to my experiences of her character, and urge those investigating Jessa Smith via the internet – to think twice before inviting her into your trust. Karma comes a-knockin’ for us all.

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