Jess Harvey – Close Your Mouth Jess, It Stink Like ****

This ***** bag is Jess Harvey the biggest sloot in and around the fort. She stank up regina with her nasty ***** smell and she’s now spreading the smell and DRD’s to the Fort, claiming it’s the lake that smells like dead fish. That why she fishs all the time so people won’t think it’s her nasty ***** rotting. She messages other women’s men all the time and maybe that’s why half of Regina wants to kick her ***** *** and she’s hiding out in the fort. Now all of the fort and surrounding Rez’s is want to kick her slooty sloppy drunk *** to. She claims she’s a social worker but this nasty ***** tries to take away Indian kids from their families so she can go *** their dads, sick *****. If you’re Indian and have a ****, she wants to gobble it up and probably has. She got toss around for this kind of behaviour and all she did was sit and cry and look pitiful. We all know what she really wanted to do when she hit the ground, opened her mouth for some ****. This is the worst kind of sloot, the one who takes out police reports on the women who confront her about her ***** ways. Her fat, nasty body needs filters because this ***** without them is one ugly *****. Get new extensions *****, the ones you wear look more banged out then you do….wait no, nothing can look more banged out. This one is such a stunned cvnt that she can even recognize when people are making fun of her to her face. Always sloppy drunk, yelling, trying to ‘know’ everyone. Dumb *****, they only know your nasty smell, stop yelling around. This **** is 30 and still can’t keep a man because shes too busy trying to *** everyone else’s. She sends a video of her fat *** rolls around to men who have women and families. And yes, EVERYONE saw the video, it got sent around because Jess is a ***** and sent it to the wrong woman’s man. Rolls on rolls with an ugly *** tattooed monster thigh. Jess, quit fuking around with taken men and clean yourself off, u smell of random cvm! Gobble Gobble *****!

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