Jerry Buys — California

This guy Jerry Buys is a total flake in Hollywood. He is a crook and downright scary person all around. He has a thing for drinking too much and calling his ex-boyfriend who is like 20 years old. He surrounds himself with the worst people and a bunch of other Hollywood wannabe fakes. He also casts for movies that aren’t even getting made. He had me at a casting and had me go to his private home then started playing with himself while I was doing a scene! He wanted to see how well I could keep secrets. This guy is a sick twisted hollywood fake. WOMEN, MEN, PEOPLE WITH MONEY, ANY HUMAN BEINGS……. Stay away.

4 thoughts on “Jerry Buys — California

  1. This guy was also involved in an investment scam. An online App. Called…..Barseen App. Krissy Schuh started it with her ex GF Sally Kushner…… They brought Jerry Buys in because they knew he had the tactics to find potential Investors. Manipulate them to invest. They Not knowing Barseen App was nothing more than a Ponzi Scheme.

    So from 2015 to 2018 they pulled in over 60 investors. And stole every dollar the investors invested. 2018 they started getting sued for Fraud. The investors including PMGI Financial filed Lawsuits against them.

    They hired Michael Joseph Goulden to represent them in Court. Gulden in 2019 lost his privilege to practice Law. He lied to the Court. Falsified paperwork and lied where Schuh and Kushner were hiding thier money. So Michael Joseph Goulden was Disbarred. And can longer practice Law.

    Giovanni Vitulli. He’s the Bar Manager of Gym SportsBar and Grill. A Gay Bar in West Hollywood. Also had a hand in helping them with thier Money making scheme. Customers in the Bar. Giovanni would talk about the Barseen App. Get people interested and introduce them to Schuh. Kushner and Buys. And you get the picure.

    In 2020 the Barseen was forced to shut down by the Court. Thier assets frozen. Including thier bank accounts.

    The three are broke. And Vitulli is still working at the Gay Bar. And things look very grim for them.

    I work in City Hall in West Hollywood. And I help expose people like them and get the word out to the communities

  2. Jerry is a real piece of shyt.

    And he does associate with sketchy people.

    He’s been involved in sleazy things.

  3. Jerry is a fukcing scum. And has done sleazy things. Abd been involved in a Ponzi Scheme called Barseen.

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