Jerrell Hill — Rosharon, Texas

I found out that Jerrell was cheating on me the day I had our 3rd child (c-section). One month later, he had me put in jail on false charges of assault and interfering with a 911 call. The case was dropped the next day!! He decided to leave our home for a few weeks and while he was gone, i got on the desk top computer and found out he had been having affairs since we first got together. This particular skipped tooth mouth chick was from his home town. He sent for her 4 times to come to my city. Each time she came, he paid her airfare. He would lie and tell me that he was spending those 4 to 5 days with his cousins, but it was with her!!! He bought her UGG BOOTS, things from Neiman Marcus, Gucci & Chanel purses and used $3000 of our daughters disability money to buy her an engagement ring. ($2000). He also spent my money on her as well. On September 11, 2012, Jerrell allowed me to be served with divorce papers in front of our children. He lied about our home being separate property during our 3 mediations and since he was the Petitioner, he was awarded everything. Two months later, I met his fiance in my house, laying in my bed with my remote in her hand. I initially got upset, but i was calm and thought about my job and my 3 children. I shook her hand and gave her a hug and told her “Thank you for accepting his invitation” , ” I would have NEVER known.” I did ask her to never come back to my home again. She then came back in January of 2013 and later officially moved here from Madison, AL to live in my home for 6 months and is now a resident here in Texas. WOW!!!!! While she lived in my 5600 sq foot home on 18 acres, my children and I were forced to live in a “not so good part of Houston”, in a one bedroom. Our middle son was born with a rare condition and needed speech classes in the home. He refused each session. In February 2013, the kids and I decided to spend the night, while there I noticed Racquel’s belongings and I told him i was leaving. He got upset, he grabbed me with our at the time 8 month old and assaulted me, he then decided to go get his gun out of his truck and rudely ask our daughter to move out of the way so he could “shoot me”. he clicked the gun 3xs and realized nothing would come out. I was able to grab the kids and go!!! One week later only to find a bullet in the chamber in the police report. Life is starting to look up for my kids and myself. This is a snippet of my life with him! 2500 characters isnt enough. BEWARE LADIES!!!!

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