Jerome “Jay” Larkins — Michigan

JAY LARKINS! LADIES BEWARE!! This man is a pathological liar, cheater and covert narcissist. He psychologically and emotionally abusive! He has every trait of borderline personality disorder and severe PTSD. He will make you feel sorry for him with his “poor me” abusive past. He will lie from day 1 with his age. He is 56 years old and born April 27, 1963. He lies about how many kids he has, he has 5 but will tell you 3. Won’t tell you about the FOUR grandchildren he has. He will lie about how many times he has been married. He’ll have numerous side chicks (he NEEDS them to boost his ego) while in a long term relationship with you telling you how much he loves you. He will suck your soul dry and leave you a shell of the person you once were. He hates himself and is a disgusting person inside and will love bomb you until you are emotionally drained and you’ll spend every single day telling him how much you love him, want him and only him. He is an emotional vampire!! Even with PROOF of a picture that he is lying and cheating he’ll deny, lie, manipulate and gaslight you. Call you names and turn everything around on you. He will accuse you of cheating eventhough it’s furthest from the truth. He will mirror you and project everything on to you. What he accuses you of is the closet you will ever get to a confession from him. You will get nothing but excuses from this man. You will end up feeling crazy!!! RUN from Jay!! Do not become one of his victims! He leaves a trail of destruction wherever he goes. Your gut will tell you from DAY ONE something is off about him but you just can’t pinpoint it. You’ll see every red flag but ignore them becuase he is that good at what he does in the beginning. Until his mask slips..then beware! Save yourself from the heartache and stay away from him!

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