Jerica Lauren Smith — Lexington, Kentucky

This nasty ***** went after my 47 year old husband that I have been married to for over 10 years. She would call him and ask him to come over to her house so they can have ***. Ladies please be careful because this **** is only 23 years old and likes older men. Daddy issues forsure!!

1 thought on “Jerica Lauren Smith — Lexington, Kentucky

  1. Single mothers, this is the result when “you don’t need no man”. YOU DO NEED A MAN! Your children need to have a father at home, raising them. If they don’t get that “innocent” fatherly love, they growing up chasing after a father figure, only to get used by an old, married pervert, who can’t keep his **** in his pants.

    Little girls who grow up without fathers in the home get poor grades, have bad criminal records, and they end up prostituting themselves, in some form, or another. They also lower their standards and get abusive, unworthy men in their lives, as mates and husbands.

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