Jeremy Hunter Jody Hunter — San Antonio, Texas

Meet Jeremy and Jody Hunter. It’s been long claimed they were brother and sister, who got off with Jody watching Jeremy pound me hard in the ***. I thought it was hot. This big strong bear. With his kinky little sister. I’m transgender. They kept me on the hook and got away with night after night of Jeremy getting bossed around by his crazy AF little anorexic sister bossing us around. She loved grabbing my head and making me choke. They promised me. They’d pay for my operation. This way I could marry Jeremy and the sister (who goes by the best hooker name ever Jody swan or her birth name Jody hunter) would live with us and act as our surrogate. That’s was just the start of their lies. He already got his sister pregnant. He was afraid of how that would appear. He then asked me to bang his sister! He is satan incarnate. You cant say no or this man will kill you. The things Ive heard hes done are mild compared to this. They both still live at home with their parents. Abuse claims that make your stomach churn . Anyways. Norman Bates has nothing on this family. When I saw the bump on that crazy DRD addled **** and enough track Mark’s on her arm. Youd think she was having a race. I tried to get out. I could not blow a load in that corpse. That’s when he got violent. He left me so tore up I had to get stitches. That’s when I found out he gave me DRD, DRD, and a non antibiotic form of DRD. Then a year later my friend sees the happy “family” out and they have a kid! Is it her niece or her daughter?! These 2 are nasty, violent, freaks. Neither of them have legitimate jobs. Ghosts on the internet. Looks like the sister has two families and Jeremy is still a down low doorman. Steer clear of Frankenstein and his *** hag sister Jody. Perfect name for a crazy freak that has her brothers kids. Watch out. These two are nasty.

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