Jeremiah Ross aka Jayrocks — California

Jeremiah Carroll Ross……California…..married to Sheree Mendiola Ross for numerous years……Jeremiah has cheated on his wife via a mobile game called The Hobbit where he goes by the name of Jayrocks….he cybered many women on this game….he promised these woman lots of things…..he’s a liar and he tries to make out that he is all innocent…..he met up with a woman from this game called Jenalyn Sullivan aka PrincessVespa…..they slept together on msny occassions…..when his wife Sheree found out he spun her a load of lies…..he then carried on cyberinh women on this game…..Jay (another alias) continues playing on the game and has told his wofe that its not him but his friends playing for him….what a load of rubbish! Jayrocks aka Jay aka Jeremiah Rossis a liar, manipulator, user and a sad excuse for a man!!

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