Jenny L. Buettner — Lima, Ohio

If you know this woman and you are married keep her at bay. She is the foulest form of human life. Here is a letter written to her that explains it all. I wanted to approach you as a lady. Unfortunately, I can’t because sleeping with someone’s husband is not ladylike. No matter what lies you may have been told he was another woman’s HUSBAND. If he told you he was having problems, if he told you he wasn’t happy, or whatever you were told he was someone’s husband. So while you were getting bent over in a a parking lot. I was home being an unsuspecting wife and mother. I was home with my amazing son and beautiful step daughters. Home sleeping from a day of being a wife and mother. Resting from a day of family life, getting ready to begin again. You as my husband told me were not a face because he couldn’t look at that. You were a tool (his words). You were a receptacle for his ***** to be discharged in. Seems like you would have more respect for yourself. So enjoy your great gift you told him you got. Enjoy knowing I watch my son cry himself to sleep. Enjoy knowing my son lost his family unit. Enjoy knowing the night you helped him get his ***** wet you destroyed a family. I’m sure everything you were told was a lie to get you bent over in the parking lot. I hope it was some amazing *** cause it sure cost a lot. You got your sweet little Arianna with his smile right. Well good for you. No matter what you believe in ***, Karma or whatever this will comeback on you. I pray you meet the man of you dreams. I hope you marry extend your family. I hope he scrapes the bottom of the pudding cup for some trash to sleep with. I hope you try to comfort your children through their uncontrollable sobs. Those sobs are because their world has been turned upside down. I pray that you feel the pain of saying goodbye to a marriage of 10 years. When you see her, and you’ll want to too. I hope you think wow, really! Even though your husband will say ***** doesn’t have a face. I hope it cuts you like a knife. After that I hope you gain some morals and values. Thanks for everything. Congratulations, and enjoy my husbands smile.

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