Jennifer Stevenson — California

This picture proves Jennifer is nothing but a homewrecking mistress knowing **** well Alex was and still is married to post a picture with a date proving he’s a cheater she’s the mistress is pretty **** ballsy. He was with his wife Koko when they met him and Koko had their third child in 2012 here’s Jennifer’s ***** *** posting when she met Alex in 2010. All I can say is WOW. I was a friend of Jennifer and the moment I found out she was messing with a married man I cut ties with her stank ***. She is a terrible person horrible mother almost got my *** in trouble hanging with her criminal ***. She is fake a manipulator a liar a thief and good at conning people. She smiles in your face holding on to her dirty secrets and lies that one day will surface and all you dummies that friended her are going to be left with wtf. I’m ashamed to admit I helped her and took part in her games she played against Koko but this was all before I knew it was Koko that and I actually knew her and Alex. That he was the married man she was talking about. I found all of this out later after cutting ties with her. Jennifer the way you got Alex will be the way you lose him. You know you were and are wrong for what you did. You hurt innocent people and children shame on you. Keep telling yourself true love you can’t help who you fall in love with. You are wrong ain’t nothing about your situation right and you know it.

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