Jennifer Peterson — California

This female is pathetic. While her husband Josh was stationed in South Korea, she started an affair with my husband (knowing he was married with 3 kids). This lasted for several months until I had full evidence and filed for divorce. She used secret codes and phrases just to text and talk to my husband on the phone when I was home. It was so ridiculous. She had absolutely no problem being just an opportunity f**k and continuing to throw herself at my husband while he was still sleeping with me. The affair finally ended when I found out that she took my husband and toddler to the Sleep Inn hotel in Jacksonville, Fl while I was at my parent’s house. I’m pretty sure she knew I was about to kick her fat *** and get her fired for what she was doing. But when she knew I finally found out, she hauled ***. Too bad all of her family and friends don’t know just how fake and nasty she really is. Also, she’s really obsessed with frogs and LOVES them. So gross. I would like to see her dare try to deny all of this.. You got yourself a winner, Josh! There ya go, bud

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