Jennifer Marshall Taylor — Flint, Michigan

Jennifer Taylor (may be going by maiden name Marshall now) had multiple affairs and then ultimately abandoned her husband of 20 years and their 3 awesome children. She is a psychotic narcissistic that only cares about herself, and will hook up with anyone who is willing to finance her life of luxury. She refuses to work, and is an alcoholic drug user. She is currently living with and taking advantage of a blind man in Mountain Home, Arkansas because he is willing to buy her things and supply her with alcohol and marijuana in exchange for ***. She is a compulsive liar and a great actress. She will tell everyone her version of everything that has happened in order to get them on her side, but eventually they see the truth when she burns every bridge behind her. Her family has tried to help her numerous times by giving her a safe place to live and helping her find employment. She was not able to handle the responsibility, and skipped out on them without even leaving a note. She also owed them quite a bit of money. Avoid this woman like the plague!

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