Jennifer Fendley Salter — Pensacola, Florida

My dad has been cheating on my mom & accusing her of cheating but she didn’t! We went to visit my sick grandma, no show… my sister’s graduation party… he couldn’t be bothered to attend. He finally decided to let me visit after not bothering with me for over 4 months then when I visited him he paraded his HOMEWRECKER Jennifer Fendley Salter in front of me and they even slept together during my visit. Sad because when we left he was sleeping with my mom… less then a week later he had moved in with her, after they both trashed the home I live in ☹️

He stopped supporting us because my mother reported that Jennifer gave me smokes, weed, & wine. This man who said I was the most important thing in his life should defend his child, instead he called me a liar & defends that woman & screamed at me on my birthday for telling the truth about his drug-addicted girlfriend Jennifer Fendley Salter. Total homewrecker & deadbeat. Grateful for an amazing hardworking mother. He never deserved a woman like my mom. I included a message that proves she gave me smokes… what kind of a woman needs a child as a friend? A maniacal lying cheat one… they make a perfect couple.

2 thoughts on “Jennifer Fendley Salter — Pensacola, Florida

  1. This nasty woman has been going after my husband yet she’s married again for the second time still needs to get a side piece if she’s not looking for other women’s husbands to bed she’s abusing children stop her she is a sorry abuser

  2. This is absolute rubbish. I am Jennifer , and I have never abused a child or anything else this coward accuses me of on these sites. She has been doing this to me and my family for 4 years because I am married to her ex husband and she is a very sick woman in my opinion. No one in their right mind would ever believe a thing this woman says, and their is so much evidence – factual evidence- and records reflecting that any and all of her allegations are NOT TRUE. I am not a drug addict, didn’t do anything to hurt my children, and never will- and I have never have been. my daughters passing was a tragedy to many but mostly to me. Why do you keep on and on with this abuse ? The only meds I ever took were given to me in the hospital, or by my doctor to lower my blood pressure: I ate well, exercised, worked in the mother baby unit and cancer floors at local hospital. I know the truth, so your nasty comments on these uncensored sites you use to prowl on me, my life and family. The only reason you say these things is to affect my mental health, my marriage, my husbands mental health, hurt my children, and my career as a social worker . Which I have been for 20 years. They will find you, and you have been warned . Everyone knows it’s you and your family of accomplices. Get a life and some sense, a life, a job, and some MENTAL HELP. stop staying up drunk and getting yourself in more trouble than you already are . We don’t care what you write anymore, because everyone knows the TRUTH. And you do too, you do this to harass, and destroy lives. This is sick what you are doing and have been doing for so long. I turn the other cheek, as your sins will soon find you out. Prayers for you and I hope and pray 🙏 you get caught, get stopped – finally- and pay for what all you have done to hurt so many people . Stay away from me and my family! You would not know the truth if it hit you in the face.

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