Jennifer Anderson — Michigan

Ten years together and trying to have a family. Things weren’t perfect but we tried. Then she leaves and I blame myself but three months later we get back together and I find a old phone. I thought hey its newer then mine and she’s not using it. Well I plug it in and up pops a pic of her and another guy. We fight but stay together. Two years later we get into a fight she leaves and it all feels the same. So this time I put her on the spot cause she says she wants to work things out and all that. And I ask to see her phone just to show me she’s not hiding anything you know. She gets ****** and I start digging. Three guys she is seeing since she moved out. Two are married or about to be married. Holly wright is being cheated on as her man is sleeping with jennifer. And I dont know the other guys name but the wedding ring kinda stands out.

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