Jenna (Velasquez-Lopez) Whitney — Florida

Jenna is a dirty *****. She came to the U.S. illegally when she was 16, she soon seduced and the married a 61 yr old man to get her citizenship. Immediately after they were married, she started leaving her husband at home every weekend, going out to the clubs, partying and spreading her legs for half of Miami. Then she started having an affair with one of her husband’s employees, who was married with three kids. When his wife found out she divorced him, he wanted to stay with Jenna but she left him and made her husband fire him. That’s when she decided that my sister’s husband was her next victim. They have been married 8 yrs and have 2 kids. She started throwing herself at him at the gym where they met. She started texting him and sending him nudes. And, shortly thereafter they started an affair. My sister found out about the affair, and found the nudes on his phone. They got separated and he stopped seeing the *****. But she just wouldn’t stop. He tried to stay away from her, but she just kept tracking him down, even going to my sister’s house. My sister called her husband and told him everything. He either didn’t believe her, or just didn’t care. My sister found out that they are having an affair again, she threw her husband out and filed for divorce. She’ll leave him too as soon as he’s divorced. Then she’ll find another family to destroy. She’s an evil *****.

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