Jen Vogt — Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania

This gold digging ***** slept with my husband for a year. She sucked alot of money out of him that we needed for our kids. She pressed him to get rid of me and when he almost agreed she started telling him what things he needed to put her name on like bank accounts etc and make sure I get nothing. He is 23 years older than her enough to be her father. Then I found out for 6 years including the year she was having *** with my husband she was sleeping with another married man 20 years older than her. I found the wife and learned the story. She drove 3 hours to see him once a week for ***. Begged him for years to get rid of his wife. She drained all his money too. The wife had cancer for 2 years and they would plan their *** day when she was in treatment or surgery and she knew. That is sick!! He finally dumped his wife told her that the wife would get nothing but the wife found out who she was and told her that was not true. She was going to move in with him but told him he would have to promise her his retirement and Mustang. Meanwhile she has another man she works with at Walmart who was 30 years older and was sucking out his money too!! Right before she moves in she tells him he needs to take the wife’s name off everything and put hers on. The wife told her that there was no retirement that he spent it all on her and he would never give her the Mustang. She blew up on him and he realized what she really was and dumped her for good. She will stop at nothing to steal your man and steal his money. She is also bipolar and doesn’t take her meds so she can be psycho too. She lies to everyone including her family and acts like she is sweet and innocent. She is the ugliest and I myself even older look way better than her and the other wife is very pretty so she is very manipulating don’t see why any man would want to sleep with her!! She has hurt and destroyed many lives and could care less about anyone but herself!! Beware of this woman before she gets your man and steals all your money!!

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