Jeffrey Michael Kelly – Chicago, Illinois

Deadbeat dad, druggie, thief, and cheater alert. This guy right here is a lying mooch. He’s been living off his mommy for the last year. Mentally and emotionally abusive to any woman he comes in contact with, even his own son! If he isn’t scamming his doctors with one of his many illness claims for OxyContin, his mom, Marlene Kelly will just hand them to him. He goes by the name king_saint_kelly on Facebook. Because he is a saint and all. 🙄 Find him on your tinder and bumble! He has been stealing money from his mentally ill aunt for several months now gassing up his car on her credit card. Constantly lying and scamming his way through life. Don’t believe me. View the photos. Pilled out trying to hold his baby. What a winner here! If you slept with him get tested!

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