Jeannine DuPont — Prince George, Canada

This stupid b***ch loves **** so much **** around **** anyone’s **** or **** anyone that will take it and wants free ***** ***$ around on her current boyfriend bragged about how she was banging four guys at once none of them knowing about each other her current boyfriend being one of them. She is such a slooty *** *** who thinks she can have whatever the *** she wants. ladies beware she’s probably hooked up with your man without you knowing it she doesn’t care who they are.

10 thoughts on “Jeannine DuPont — Prince George, Canada

    1. You say it doesn’t bother you then why even comment? Why put a kissy face are you that messed in the head? You have some serious issues nobody is obsessed with you but nobody will ever want to touch you again!

      1. Funny how you call me a liar when you don’t even know me. You’ve made up all these lies about me and you’re trying to ruin my name. All these accusations are completely false and you have zero proof about any of this. Nothing is wrong with me at all it’s you who has a sick problem. You make up lies about someone you know nothing about. You msg ppl with fake accounts trying to get them to believe you then block them right away so they can’t even ask you questions about it. You can’t back up your mouth. All you do is hide behind anonymity cause you’re to scared to come out. You’re nothing but a lying loser who has nothing better to do. ***** !

    1. It doesn’t bother me that you put this on these cheating sites. It’s all the lies you come up with about me saying I have cheated when I didn’t. I don’t understand why you think I have done this. Yes I have cheated on my bf in the beginning of our relationship and he knows about it. I told him. I haven’t cheated on him ever again so why would you think this about me. I haven’t done any of the things you’ve accused me of. You’ve ruined my relationship for something I didn’t do. If you think I did this then stop hiding come out and prove me wrong. Stop hiding. I have nothing to hide I will put it all out on the table. What exactly have I done to you that has ****** you off this much to make fake accusations like this?

  1. Ok once again I didn’t put your name in any site or say anything with fake accounts. I seen you on here and commented on your comment it made you look bad. As for your bf that’s all on you. You cheated once a cheater always a cheater! You admitting that and ending up on this site or whatever else your on makes it look like those words are true. Maybe you shouldn’t cheat and none of this would have happened.

  2. Defend your name all you want you definitely are an easy screw. 4 guys at the same time who wouldn’t believe that. You do try to act all innocent never did care if you had a boyfriend you just wanted to **** anyone that payed attention to you. Watch out for this **** boys she’s always on the look out for a new ****.

  3. Such a ****! Hoe bag that will **** anyone anywhere. Attention **** *****! Doubt you only cheated once on your boyfriend cheaters never stop they always need attention. People like you should know what it does to the person being cheated and lied to. You deserve to be called out on your ****.

  4. Girl you got a fine *** body nipple rings are perfect touch and your ***** is amazing. Why does everyone gotta hate on her? Jeannine your my perfect booty call😘

    1. Are you claiming you’ve had *** with me ? It’s no secret I have nipples rings. So please tell me more about my body that you claim to know all about. Something only a person who’s slept with me would know. Should be easy for you if what you say is true right ?

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