JDI Handyman Services — Stolen my money never showed up

Sad, very sad. Paid them and never showed up for 5 months and 7 scheduled appointments (not counting the winter months of January and February). They have called off for weather 2 Xs (no problem). They didn’t show up for 4 rescheduled appointments (said workers didn’t show up for work, sick, behind schedule, moved schedule). Showed up one time, less than professional services. Still waiting for them to show up to redo 2 items because they didn’t do the job properly the first time. Word of mouth is catching up with these poor excuses for a property management/repair company.

Jon Yankasky
Peter Escaross
Samuel E Escaross
JDI Handyman Services
300 Kiser St, Dayton, OH 45404, United States
Phone: 937-912-1197

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