I’ll save the drama My husband hooked up with Jayne on Facebook. Yep hes an ***,it went on for three months until he decided he couldn’t do it any more. She got upset and called me so he couldn’t have me either..Problem is I have five kids,THEY are ones that were hurt the most. Adults act like ***** and are selfish,but to seek revenge on an already horrible situation just because your imaginary life fell apart is messed up. Problem is that this woman broke up a marriage with kids before this. She also tried to move in a a separated man after that..This is what she does..My husband is paying dearly,but I needed to let any other woman out there know if her name pops up on your radar You are correct in assuming she is creeping in This is what she does..She has been married twice as well..Neat gal,but she can go pee on someone else trees I don’t need either to be happy My kids,and the kids from the previous affair thank her for the forever memory!