Jay Stein — Florida

Jay stein is a liar and a cheater ..He not only cheated on me once,but 3 times .The first time ,he told me that he had moved in with his coworker to save some money,but I found out he had moved in with another woman. He lied to her and told her that we had broken up and that I was just a crazy ex girlfriend that won’t leave him alone .I tried to warn her about him ,but she wouldn’t listen and bought into his lies ,she forced him to get a restraining order on me .I was able to prove it to the judge that we were never broken up ,and embarrassed both of them in the courtroom . So after awhile ,I took him back and gave him a second chance …things were great ,I moved in with him,but it didn’t work out ..so I moved out but we were still dating ..One day ,I decided to show up at his house to surprise him ,but it was me that got the surprise ,there was a woman in his living room ,he stopped me from confronting her . He lied once again and said that she was there so that he can fix her car,so I bought into his lies!! On the the 22nd of Nov..I found out that he had taken a woman out to fishing .I found her number and called her and told her that I was his girlfriend ..he met her on plenty of fish ,and he had told her that he doesn’t have a girlfriend ,she was very surprised and supposedly had ended it ! So ladies !! If you see racinerle71 on plenty of fish !!! Beware !!

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