Jasons Deli — Long Wait

My daughter (Tiffany 281-414-1402) ordered a bowl of chili for me online received a text message thanking me for my order @ 2:38 pm then I clicked on the linked which advised me to click I’m here when I arrived. So when I arrived I clicked I’m here and received another text thanking me for waiting in my car; and we’ll be right out @ 2:59 pm. At approximately 3:12, I became frustrated with waiting after seeing several employees walking which I will assume was shift change. Upon entering the restaurant Brian (as I recall) acknowledged me and I showed him the text messages referenced above and I still had not received my order. He quickly responded I just came on my shift whether he knew it or not he was deflecting andor blaming the previous shift which is common in the food industry when there appears to be confrontation. I don’t know if Brian was a TeamShift Leader but another male in a polo shirt (I think he was wearing glasses but he overheard the conversation yet he continued to remain on the sideline. Brian walked over to a stand near the front door which appeared to be used to stage carryout orders and there was my order with a Promise Time of 2:51 pm. It was clear to me that my order was not a priority as I happened to arrive at shift change where there is very little to zero communication between shifts. I have been to this location in the past and never experienced a lack of hospitality, concern, care and quality of food (the flavor of the chili was weak; Texas Roadhouse and Jason prior to this visit had the best chili I’ve eaten and I have lived in Pearland, Downtown, Kingwood, Jersey Village and my job was Area Director). I don’t know if you’re transitioning from Company to Franchise or possibly a poor Manager at this location but today at this location, they missed the mark! They should have valued me as customer. It was obvious the employees and management was focused on either shift change or managing their labor cost. This could have been resolved if the folks on that shift showed care, compassion, sense of urgency, and accepted responsibility. A simply genuine apology and ask what can Iwe do (offer something extra) to make this visit more pleasurable since we dropped the ball.

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