Jason Zenga — Fitchburg, Massachusetts

I met this man on a dating site go figure. He was perfect, gorgeous, sweet, caring, affectionate, everything a girl would want. He tells me he is a DJ and he revels a lot, but will be ending his contract at the end of the year. We would text and talk all day when we were not together. His story was believable he had the money the equipment and the connections (that he faked) come to find out he had a gf for 3 years, he had kicked her out of the apartment so he could date. So we are supposed to see each other and I find these pictures of them online going back years and years. I confront him he said it was fake she is crazy blah blah.

I confront her like an idiot she says he has her convinced I’m a stalker, but he saves our flirty texts yeah ok…. Anyway months later I’m contacted by a woman she thinks I’m the gf of 3 years. This woman has been living with him for 2 years… Wth I’d been to that apartment numerous times numerous nights. Now all his “trips” make sense.

This girl and I talk and confront him together he lies through his teeth, she leaves or so she says. So then the gf moves back in, he is still cheating, still lying, denying children he created and making art scams. Avoid this man he is trouble he will destroy your life!

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