Jason Sides – Dallas, Texas

Jason L Sides is a liar, cheater and a thief. He will tell you he cares and acts like he cares, but in reality that is far from the truth. He preys on innocent women who are nothing but trusting and kind to him. He will steal from you right under your nose and not think twice about it and then act like it’s nothing. He has no remorse and lying comes so easy for him. He cannot keep a job and he is always moving from place to place. His family doesn’t have anything to do with him and now I know why. He will give you his STD and not tell you until you unfortunately have to find out for yourself. He claims he is a man of ‘***’ to help his story. He should be ashamed to use ***’s name that way. STAY AWAY and spread the word!

1 thought on “Jason Sides – Dallas, Texas

  1. Vindictive much? If this was true why not post your name. I’ve know Jason for some time now and this is nothing like him… so I’m guessing you didn’t get what you wanted… typical

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