Jason LLoyd Farley — Florida

Jason Lloyd Farley from Flat Rock Mi is a Liar and Cheater ! He uses his fake charm to befriend you and then turns into a stalking pervert begging you for ***. He prefers married lonely women and likes to request Oral *** from you and to meet in parks and dark quiet locations so nobody is aware of his actions. If he gets cornered he has run to the police and will cry that he has done nothing wrong and that he is a gay man. Ladies and maybe even Gay men should be aware of this creep and weirdo ! I know of a woman he did this too and there may be more woman or men out there. If you have had a run in with this stalker please report him to the local police for his actions and stay away from him period. He currently lives in Ft Lauderdale Florida and was from the Flat Rock / Woodhaven area in Michigan.

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