Janessa RosaLee — Edmonton, Canada

Ok, de this stupid meth head is Janessa Rosalee this no life little ***** constantly talks **** about everyone on Facebook especially her baby daddy who she got pregnant by twice and he’s a rat skinner who **** little girls and she still got pregnant by him she’s that methed up in the head her and her fat friend Mae are always talking **** on Facebook to other girls but it’s never on sight she hides before her phone like her baby daddy. Both to shook and methed up around their poor kids!!! She claims she’s sober but thru out her pregnancy she was smoking meth so this ***** needs to be put on blast!!!! Like, watch your kids Rosalee clean your ghetto house and pop your pimples you fat ugly catfish smelly ***** ***** no wonder you have no friends cause all you do is talk **** your life is that chapt sitting around waiting for your child tax and welfare to hit like get a job or go to school you loser was told by many her ***** stinks cause she doesn’t know how to wash it properly her baby daddy said it tastes like pee gross.

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