Janae Bertsch — Saskatoon, Canada

This junkie sloot gets beaten up by her “boyfriend” Jamie Janzen every other day, in front of her 4 year old son nonetheless! She’s a junkie who uses heroin and meth and drd. She’s also a pothead and alcoholic. Did I mention she’s a floozy? She has ads on leolist all the time… offer her some dope and she’ll do anything. Obviously she’s stupid but she’s SO stupid she went to Toronto to do **** and the agency she worked for kicked her out for being such a junkie idiot, and because she had like 4 DRD’s. Can you Imagine being such a mess that a **** company kicks you out for being too messed up?! But wait, there’s more! She and her BF Jamie came up with a great idea to blackmail / set-up another dude named Brad Hickey, by beating and raping her (in front of the kid again) and then calling the cops to blame it on Brad, but once the cops arrived she was so fuked they told her they’d take her to the hospital and THAT’S when she realized the rape kit would come back for her BF not Brad… LOL WTF?!? I hope children’s aid takes that kid outta there!

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