Jan Ovesen MD — Frisco, Texas

Started talking to my husband about a year ago. When I found out I told her we were having problems. She pretended to be someone who cared and wanted us to work on our marriage. She continued talking to him. I got pregnant with our fourth child and she was still talking to him. Persuaded him to basically leave his entire family to move away with her to TX. If she was really as smart as she portrayed she would see instead she thinks because he has a new zipcode that he is different. Ha… that man will always cheat. I guess she thought she was special. Their punishment will be each other. Let me sit back and wait for the massive explosion. Your time will come soon. As a woman u should of been honest but now u will get what u deserve. Hold on tight for the rollercoaster ride. For what my kids including my newborn have to go through u needed to be exposed. Sorry b***h you did this to yourself.

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