Jamie Cullen — Toronto, Canada

De, this is Jamie Cullen. As you can tell this cougar has been around several times, and by the looks of it we can all tell what she does for a living aside from being a one night stand to many many many wealth men. You can always spot out an escort from a mile away. Anyway besides thinking she is the hottest girl in the world and convincing some dumb guy to take her on trips, vacations, and spending $$ on her until she fooled them to Marry her so she can take all his money when he dies, its the only life she will live. Not a really good moral point of life if you ask me, but I’m not one to judge… Only *** can. Yet I feel sorry for the losers she keeps calling “love of her life” every 3/4 months. Not to forget she edits the **** outta her pix, meanwhile her face looks terrible in person. De, what do you think of her?

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