James Scott, manager of Satellite Healthcare of Capitola, California .

A few months ago Alicia was stupid enough to get caught posting about Sheila Jane Balista cheating on her husband with Jamie Scott. The sad and pathetic thing was that she attempted to pass as a Filipina woman only to expose her name under the paragraph she posted. de, The truth is that it is way more pathetic and sad that all of Sheila’s posse and Sheila herself (under anonymity) posted all of Alicia’s personal life. Information that only could have come from her lover Jamie.
I personally find it offensive that all the women ganged up and attacked her moral values, her character, her position at work, and even her physical appearance including the fact that she lost all her hair after enduring what was probably the most challenging and painful experience of her life. Some even criticized her and made some harsh remarks about her previous relationships. Now, did she deserve this treatment? Probably so, but not for having attempted to expose Sheila , but for not pointing fingers at the right person. James Scott himself. The one comment that really struck a cord in the deepest recesses of my soul was that of the idiot who went as far as to criticize her innocent child who has a severe mental illness. How sadistic can a person be when the kid is probably the one who ended up suffering the most. For this reason, and the fact that I too fell victim to a scumbag cheater I decided to express my opinion. First of all, I don’t get why Alicia accused Sheila of being the “homewrecker”. How about James Scott. Wasn’t he the coward, deceitful, schmuck that committed the despicable act of betrayal and cheating? I don’t understand how Alicia didn’t see this coming. She, as well as many of his coworkers, knew about his, not so secret dirty low life as a drug addict. I too knew that he got fired from Community Hospital in Monterey for diverting IV and oral narcotics from his patients for his ….. own personal use. Plainly stated, stealing drugs from his patients to get high. This act alone speaks volumes about his moral character and the low caliber of this sociopathic creep. Under the veil of sweet, friendly, passive, and shy demeanor hides an insecure, anxious, egotistical sleazebag. Like most raging drug addicts and cheaters knows nothing about compassion for other people’s feelings but his own. His only mode of operation is instant gratification at whatever expense. Sheila just happened to be horney and ready to engage in a romantic affair with him. I have no doubt that if it hadn’t been Sheila he cheats with, it would have been anybody else. This is the swine nature of people like James. So tell me now, whose moral character is in question here. Cheaters need to be unmasked for what they really are so the next imbecile who falls for their lies and deceit can make a choice to either run from these scumbags before they get hurt.

18 thoughts on “James Scott, manager of Satellite Healthcare of Capitola, California .

  1. Oh there she is again! Come back to ******* work so you finally have some income going and not claim assistance because you’re too ******* old to handle ****! You have so much time in your hands to type all these and then you claim to be injured and leave us short here! Go send your old flat *** to work!!!

  2. No ***** this is you. It’s good that you’re out of work because this is all over the ICU again. No one defended you on the last post so you decided to make a long *** post and pretended someone is on your camp! This is so pathetic!!!!!

  3. Someone from work sent me this and wow look! Alicia Scott reposted this in this website because the other post she made became talk of the town! She deleted it because she realized She is so embarrassing to post **** like this. That’s what you get when you’re so hated at work. CHOMP hates you Alicia, not the people you’re hating gets the hate

  4. This lady, Alicia, was cool until I got to know her. She led me on even though I’m not a nurse. She kept bringing me food and talked non stop about her daughter except that I found out its her grandaughter. The other nurses in the unit told me that she pretends its her daughter even though its not. I heard her daughter is like 40. I told her that I wasn’t interested in dating her and she flipped. She said a lot of false things to my boss about me and it almost got me fired. The good thing is that my supervisor knows Alicia and knows that she is has a reputation of being a liar. His words were “I don’t know why chomp holds on to that bald, flat ***, washed up bag of bones.”

  5. f her 40 yr old daughter has mental illness and it got out it’s no one’s faults but Alicia’s. She the one who be postin. Tryna expose people what you gain from that? Well ***** you got your own trash treatment. You’re the one who got exposed postin and pretendin you got a young kid when you are actually the grandma. That is all ****** up

  6. Look, I have been working with Alicia for 10 years and has anybody noticed that she is wearing dentures. Her teeth are as real as the toothfairy himself.

  7. Hey dry prune Alicia, quit typing ****. Next surgery is carpal tunnel because you type long *** telenovelas that doesn’t make sense

  8. Wow Alicia has a 40 yr old? She was broadcasting she has a “kid” but someone said that was actually her grandkid. What’s wrong with this old insecure woman? Full of pretentiousness!

  9. Alicia is trying so hard to write filipino language here when it is so wrong grammatically. Who the **** are you fooling? Work people hates you and your ****, Alicia. You don’t have any credibility now.

  10. Bertha Alicia Scott from Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula ICU is the most hated talked about nurse because of her own doing. This is embarrassing and it all went back to her. She is always on LOA because of her senior retiree age and when she’s at work, she doesn’t do anything but **** off people. Even other departments of this hospital knows her and all her garbage. 5 marriages and now she acts like a jealous ex who cannot move on? You don’t have credibility

  11. Alicia is a saggy bald piece of **** who claims government money from being off from work just to type up something like this. Yeah people hate you and not the people you’re trying to destroy you dumb ***

  12. Both Jaime Scott and Sheila Balista, if they did engage in infidelity together, sound like selfish, disordered human beings. Discarding cheaters and emotional abusers are the healthiest thing that anyone can do.

    If people don’t want to be exposed for their cheating and manipulation, there’s a cure for that: don’t cheat and manipulate.

    1. Hey Alice, doctors have read all comments about you and were so embarrassed that you can do petty things like this. You’re obviously bored and has no life at all

    2. Aww did no one vouched for you, Alicia? You are obviously useless in the society. All you do is check these non sense posts you do and find out you are the one getting exposed for being the most hated person at work. It’s not common sense that you had 5 marriages. People like you cannot have anyone permanent in their life because you are so toxic. Good for James for actually getting out of such boring *** wife!!

  13. Oh you are so pathetic Alisha! This is why you had 5 husbands and work people hate you! You are the one being exposed here! Hahaha

  14. Omg her someone actually printed her blow up face on Facebook and it’s the scariest thing ever. Hahaha it’s not Halloween yet why is there a saggy face hanging around at the breakroom

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