James Murphy — Norristown, Pennsylvania

runs by the nick of joemrf and alters his age to a variety of ages below his true age in order to attract and groom younger real date of birth is 31st December 1969 gets girls into priv msg chat on various internet chats and starts his grooming with lines like asking them what color under wear they are wearing he has admitted meeting females he found using AOL chat rooms usually he uses a cover story of being broken hearted after a past gf did the wrong thing by him or stories about being a vigilante fighting African scams while all along he is lying about his details such as his age and going about plying his trade of grooming he seems to think living a boring life as an accountant somehow can be used to justify his actions which give him the type of excitement he craves if he gets caught out in his lies he hides internet profiles and brags with comments like ‘you promised to get me some exposure and all you have been able to do is..’

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