This guy slowly lured my friend online. She went to meet him, he love bombed her instantly. De he said she was everything he’s ever wanted, he had 3 medicine men describe her and told her they were soulmates. She visited him a few times in ***** Bay on Vancouver Island, then she followed him to Egmont. She spent 3 nights there and he continued the love bombing the entire time. The day she left, he told her he loved her and couldn’t wait for her to come back. They made a plan for the following week. Out of nowhere, he spazzed right out, he was sending emotional and mentally abusive messages. Swearing, calling her names, telling her if she missed the ferry he was abandoning her because she was a waste of time. He said she was just like every other dumb broad and relied on men for everything in life. He totally belittled her. They literally only spent about 5 days in total together and he freaked out, he said she had to impress him and show some respect. The entire time she was with him in Egmont, she cooked for him, he kept telling her to relax and anything her or her daughter wanted was ok. This guy is 100% psychotic. He told my friend he’s surprised she’s still alive because she’s so fuking dumb. And it drives him insane to think that his daughters might end up like her. My friend is a single mom, zero help whatsoever. Zero child support, she has worked in dental, early childhood development, office administration, corrections Canada, health Canada, FNHA harm reduction, acting… He tried to make her feel like nothing. After 5… Fuking days.