James M Chandler — Texas

His version of himself he tells: Works hard, is responsible, loves ***, takes care of his business, pays bills on time, is a victim of horrible women who’ve abused him and used him all of his life. Raised his daughter all on his own, and regularly helps all his friends who have deep problems out. De Facts: The man has the work ethic (when he’s actually worked) of a crack-addicted carnie, has a criminal record, as in felony, has been evicted more times than most people have had ***, a credit score just as bad, doesn’t even start to love Jesus as much as he does the Buds…Weiser and Juana, have borrowed money from more than one woman, not paying it back, instead of telling everyone that the woman was horrible to him or his daughter. Oh, and as for his daughter… He uses her to both pickup women and to excuse his ‘douchiness. He says that he raised her all on his own, that her mother was a monster, that every woman he’s ever been with was a monster. Fact: He was taken to court over his daughter, isn’t even on the birth certificate. OH, and let’s not forget the violence. Good old James has a history of getting drunk and high, then punching in car windows, people’s doors, etc. Was shot breaking into his ex’s boyfriend’s house. Ladies, avoid this winner at all costs!

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