James Laney — Massillon, Ohio

I have been talking to James Laney for a while until he ghosted me, we exchanged photos and phone calls. I started to see a few red flags and decided to do some research and found this website. This man seems to be a serial cheater. De I did some more research and I found and contacted his “fiance” to make her aware but found out they’re no longer together. I am sure he’s with someone else right now so who ever he’s with BE AWARE of this man. If you think you’re in a happy relationship with him, believe all these women on here. We are not lying! This man is a liar, a cheater and doesn’t know what love is. He just wants to s*x anyway he can. He talks to multiple women and has relationships with multiple women.

1 thought on “James Laney — Massillon, Ohio

  1. Girl, he’s been doing this for years, his so called “ex-fiancé” has been harassing his soon to be ex wife and now she’s harassing the new girlfriend. I don’t even know how he gets all these women. He truly is a loser

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