James Godin — Woburn, Massachusetts

James Godin from Woburn, Massachusetts is a cyberstalking predator and a creep! This incel j*rk0ff is a mama’s boy, who’s in his thirties. De James Godin is a lowlife troll who still lives at home with his mother at 33 years old and has no desire to ever move out. His mommy still wipes his a$$ for him!

This d0uchebag has spent YEARS cyberstalking young women who he knew that were around his age; possibly former classmates. He could never get laid by any of them. Since James couldn’t have the pretty girls, because he was too much of a creep, he decided he was going to punish them, by shaming them, so NO man would ever want them, again. This sack of s**t even posted his female victim’s family pictures, along with their children. This psycho was willing to stoop as low as he could go!

For years, James Godin had focused his obsession over a young woman he had lusted after, named Danielle. When Godin had failed to get into her panties, he stole pictures and videos she had, and had used them against her in some sick revenge-**** tactic. After that, it didn’t take long for people to figure out who the culprit was. Danielle’s friends want to give James a proper a$s stomping, but rumor has it, the incel pu5sy won’t leave his mommy’s house, because he’s too scared. 😆

James Godin has been arrested more than once, so he is a loser criminal, as well as an incel. He has removed all of his own pictures online, thinking that will stop him from being exposed. This subhuman piece of garbage has a Linked-In page with no profile picture. That’s ok, vir9in boy. I found one that’s suitable for you, you basement troll, incel freak! You might want to consider moving out of town, or better yet out of state. Oh, that’s right, you can’t! You are too much of a pathetic mama’s boy to ever move out of her house, and be a grown man. What a pu5sy! 😂 You can’t hide behind your mommy forever, loser!

1 thought on “James Godin — Woburn, Massachusetts

  1. This ugly, vulgar predator now lives in Syracuse, NY. James Godin is hiding out in Syracuse with his brother, Derek Godin. James is a creep, a cyberstalker and a LOSER who will never amount to $#it! James Godin will always be a broke underachiever and a nobody, who sits on his laptop, talking $#it!. This slime ball is a no-hoper! James Godin has a warrant out for his arrest in Massachusetts. He needs to be in jail.

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