James Abood — Jersey City, New Jersey

This man was married for 10 years when he decided to cheat on his wife. He told his mistress sob stories about how unhappy he was and what a horrible person his wife was. He claimed he was raising his two kids alone because she was always at work and didnt even know how to turn the vacuum on. He was sleeping with his wife and his mistress back to back lying to both. His wife was smart enough to file for divorce and leave that nasty pig. His mistress also left him because she looked thru him and saw what a horrible liar he was. He needs to be exposed so he wont destroy any more lives. Did i also mention that he has two beautiful kids that will have to deal with a family break up because daddy couldnt keep his **** in his pants. Did I also mention that this man is in the military and lacks any integrity, respect and respect to others? If you see this man run and dont look back. Hes also really fat so thers nothing special about him ladies.

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