Jaimi Lynn Monaco — Kenmore, Washington

I’ve read many posts an I’m so surprised I haven’t seen a picture or post on this one yet. Like my ***! She is the definition of Homewrecker ladies&Gents and your probably a victim and don’t even know it yet. I got played years by this girl,…… she is scandalous asf. An she’s **** proud of it. She was a ex lover&mi bestfriend. I told this girl everything. As she played like she gave a Sh** she sat there hitting up my fiancée at the time on the side talkin sh** about me and flirting with him majorly (I would vent my relationship to her) biggggest mistake of my life was ever trusting her. She ran through all my friends, broke up a really awesome friendship because of this. The best stuff however, she screwed my fiancée in my apartment in my bed while I was away. Hung on him half naked in front of ppl me n him knew. She wore my clothes and played house for I honestly don’t know how many days in my home until the police came to shut it down. (That’s a different story) but Both of them sent me letters to blame the other person. (Gets better u guys!) as I return home, my relationship was broken off. (We were high school sweethearts, had a baby together) I told her even though me an him were off, we were working on things an she needed to back off. What happens, she blows him up, hangs with him in my apartment parking lot a few times and waits for me to be somewhere else to come play house once more (he’s not innocent either) but I mean COME ON!! Oh and as all this is happening while she’s dateing and F****** my ex bestfriend also. She’s got a beautiful face, no morals or values and loves to watch u hurt. I mean it’s almost crazy house material. U have earned ur spot on here girl, Congrats!!! (If ur a victim, I’m so sorry for ur relationship……) she’s working as a yoga instructor in Kirkland and claims she doesn’t want relationship, which is true. She just wants to have *** with anyone that’s got money, free drugs or a gf/bf so she can feel special that he or she was willing to wreck their relationship for her. It’s her favorite thing, really. An she will smile an laugh at u as u cry. What a beautiful soul she is ? don’t be fooled however, she will destroy ur life and sleep just fine at night. As ur trying to figure out where the **** it all went wrong….. things have never been the same with him and I…. an it’ll never be the same again.

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