Jade Rochelle Chartrand — Psycho Jade

My homeboy was seeing this alcoholic psychotic *****, he thought she was a nice girl at first and she got decent **** But everything changed after he sent her money to help her out one time then it’s the non stop asking for money. HES NOT YOUR BANK ACCOUNT, get a job you psycho leech. They aren’t even dating and she droved by his house like a psychotic ***** just to see if he was home AFTER he said he wasn’t. ***** went psycho and started accusing him of sleeping with other people. CHILL ***** YOURE NOT HIS WOMAN ! Who the *** in their right mind does that? Word around is that she went to Vancouver to have a sleepfest. But who would want To actually sleep with her, nasty. She’s the laziest ***** ANYONE have ever met, always complain but never take action to change her life. I don’t think she have ever worked a day in her life lol STOP MOOCHING OFF THE GOVERNMENT AND GET OFF Disability , others hard earn money isn’t YOURS to take. I hope someone call the government and report fraud cause ***** sure as **** isn’t disabled in anyways.

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