Jade Nawata — Canada

Watch your man around this innocent playing *****! She claims to have morals and standards. “I don’t sleep with married men!” In front of everyone she’ll play the part of innocent and pretend to have morals but once she’s alone with your man, she’ll jump on his **** like nothing was said. She’ll message your man telling him to leave you, writing just enough for your man to believe she’d actually have a relationship with them, she’ll send pictures of her ***, she pretends to be concerned about him, REALITY IS she just wants to get f*cked! She will do and say what has to be said so she looks like a victim. This piece of **** needs to be blasted and people/women need to know what she truly is! A nasty ***** who’ll *** your man & then 2 seconds later *** his co-worker. I hope no other woman has to deal with your lying, sloring, disgusting girl ***! Hope karma returns your **** ten fold & that this eats you alive. Not sure how though, because you’ve already proven you have NO MORALS/STANDARDS.

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